Lost & Found: a hot pavement paw bootie was found about three weeks ago in Unit 47 on East Redwood Dr. between Hollywood Way and Winding Trail. Please contact Jason Noffsinger at (520) 405-5503.
Important Information About Deadly Sonoran Desert Toads: Sonoran Desert Toads emerge from the ground when summer showers start and breed in temporary pools formed after the rains begin. Mating occurs from May to July. These toads secrete a poisonous, slime-like fluid from glands in their skin, primarily the parotoid glands. The toxins are extremely potent and can be deadly to dogs that pick up or mouth the toads. Symptoms of intoxication include excessive salivation, irregular heartbeat and gait, and pawing at the mouth. If your dog displays any of these symptoms, rinse its mouth from back to front using a garden hose and consult a veterinarian immediately. June 27, 2024
The SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network's Pet Rescue Donation Drop Off: On the first Friday of each month you may drop off items to donate at the Bocce Ball Court parking lot area in HOA1. Hours are 7:30 - 8:30 am in the summer (May-September) and 8:30 - 9:30 am in the winter (October-April). They need pet food, bath towels and pet items such as beds, crates, toys, leashes and collars as well as cat litter/boxes and carriers. For a complete list, go to www.sbpetrescue.org. If you have questions, email the SBPRN at sbprnemail@gmail.com June 27, 2024
Check out the new lost and found tool on the website! If you have found something or lost something in the park, you can now report this using the Report Lost & Found Item. Items and a contact email address will be listed in this news area. June 27, 2024
Rattlesnake Training: Get ready to keep your furry companions safe from rattlesnake encounters with Jay Smith from Community Dog Training. Jay conducts rattlesnake avoidance training and retesting sessions exclusively for SaddleBrooke residents, regardless of dog park membership status. These sessions are held in The Preserve Clubhouse parking lot. For more information, contact Heather Dean at (520) 909-0519 after 5:15 pm. Please note that Heather is unavailable before this time.
Now collecting dog care items to share with members: Do you have dog care items gathering dust in your home? Consider sharing them with your fellow dog park members. We have recently installed a collection bin at the park to encourage members to leave what they no longer want and to take these unneeded items. Here’s how it works:
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